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Magis ac magis ejus errorem denotabis, qui haereticorum causam contra Christianos et contra Ecclesiam Dei asserere conatur.qui unitatem et veritatem de divina lege venientem non tenens.Ĭonsuetudo sine veritate, vetustas erroris est. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, writes thus of Stephen, bishop of Rome.

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6, and also the Council of Chalcedon, canous 8 and 18, oJ e]xarcov th~v dioicg>sewv. Corinthians 16:1 2 Corinthians 8:1 Galatians 1:22 1 Corinthians 14:33. Ecclesiastics 5:6): Et ut apud Alexandriam et urbe Romevetusia consuetudo servetur, ut vel ille Aegypti, vel his suburbicariarum ecclessiarum solicitudinem great, etc. See the sixth canon of the Nicene Council, thus quoted by Rufinus (Hist. Discours sur l'Etude de l'Histoire du Christianisme, et son Utilite pour l'Epoque actuelle.

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